Club Information
Fredericton North

Service Above Self

We meet In Person & Online
Thursdays at 12:00 p.m.
In-Person and Virtual (Online) Meetings
1315 Regent St
Fredericton Inn
Fredericton, NB E3C 1A1
(506) 453-7815
MEETINGS ARE NOW HYBRID If you'd like to join our meeting on line please contact us at
See Us on Facebook
Club News
At our meeting on Thursday 28th Nov Jackie Hay, Principal of Nashwaaksis Memorial Elementary school, spoke to us about the continuing need for our Healthy Snack Program and brought some beautiful thank you cards made by the kids.
Thank yous and President Citation were awarded to the non Rotarian volunteers who help out and do so much to support this program.
Our donation to the Turkey Drive through Victory Meats and Veg Market gave 17 turkeys to Greener Village to help make the holiday season brighter for everyone.
Bonnie, Chris and Moe delivered the cheque along with Jamie from Sunrise Club there to giver their club's donation.
At our meeting on Thursday we inducted Anna-Marie Hayes into the Club, Anna-Marie had previously been a member of Woodstock Rotary Club for 15 years.
Owen Taylor received from President, Norm Neil a certificate and pin in recognition as a continuing Paul Harris Fellow. 
Club Executives & Directors
President Elect
Past President
Secretary / Exec Secretary
Recording Board Secretary
Club Administration Chair
Membership Chair
Community, International, Youth
Foundation Chair
Public Image Chair
Program Co-Chair
Program Co-Chair