Adventures in Citizenship May 25 to 28- Ottawa 

Do you know a senior High School student who is community minded who would love an all expenses paid trip to Ottawa to take part in Adventures in Citizenship?
Organized by the Rotary Club of Ottawa over 150 senior high school students from across Canada are welcomed each year to participate in the Adventure in Citizenship Program. This incredible four-day experience in Ottawa includes tours, lectures, discussions and social events designed to enhance their understanding and appreciation of Canadian citizenships.
The Adventure in Citizenship Program is a life-changing experience that continues to shape future leaders.
Applications to our club, Fredericton North Rotary Club, are due by February 15th.
We sponsor one student from the Fredericton region to attend. We cover the cost of travel, accommodation and program.
Please contact us for more information
Adventures in Citizenship May 25 to 28- Ottawa  Jane Neil 2025-01-25 04:00:00Z 0

Food Drive - Jan 11th

The Fredericton Rotary Clubs came together for a food drive on Saturday at each of the Sobeys' stores in Fredericton. Donations went to the Salvation Army and Greener Village.
Food Drive - Jan 11th Jane Neil 2025-01-12 04:00:00Z 0
Tour of Dementia-Inclusive Resource Centre, Alzheimer Society of NB Jane Neil 2025-01-12 04:00:00Z 0

Mactaquac Dam Remediation

At our meeting on December 12th Ashlee Hossack, Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at UNB, gave a very interesting and informative talk on the state of and science behind the remediation work being done at the Mactaquac Dam.
Here  is Ashlee being thanked by Ian Ferguson, Past-President. As a thank you and token of our appreciation, speakers are informed we have made a donation to PolioPlus, Rotary's flagship program focused on eradicating polio worldwide.
Mactaquac Dam Remediation Jane Neil 2024-12-15 04:00:00Z 0

2025 - 12 Trips in 12 Months 

2025 - 12 Trips in 12 Months
Prize Winners
Early Bird Draw Winner of $5,000.00
Doug Williams of Fredericton NB
2025 - 12 Trips in 12 Months 2024-12-11 04:00:00Z 0
2025 - 12 Trips in 12 Months 2024-12-05 04:00:00Z 0

Healthy Snack Bucket Program

At our meeting on Thursday 28th Nov Jackie Hay, Principal of Nashwaaksis Memorial Elementary school, spoke to us about the continuing need for our Healthy Snack Program and brought some beautiful thank you cards made by the kids.
Thank yous and President Citation were awarded to the non Rotarian volunteers who help out and do so much to support this program.
Healthy Snack Bucket Program Jane Neil 2024-12-02 04:00:00Z 0

Turkey Drive Donation

Our donation to the Turkey Drive through Victory Meats and Veg Market gave 17 turkeys to Greener Village to help make the holiday season brighter for everyone.
Bonnie, Chris and Moe delivered the cheque along with Jamie from Sunrise Club there to giver their club's donation.
Turkey Drive Donation Jane Neil 2024-11-29 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome Anna-Marie and Congratulations Owen

At our meeting on Thursday we inducted Anna-Marie Hayes into the Club, Anna-Marie had previously been a member of Woodstock Rotary Club for 15 years.
Owen Taylor received from President, Norm Neil a certificate and pin in recognition as a continuing Paul Harris Fellow. 
Welcome Anna-Marie and Congratulations Owen Jane Neil 2024-11-25 04:00:00Z 0
Travel Draw - 12 trips: 12 months: $12/month 2024-11-17 04:00:00Z 0

Lincoln Trail upgrades

November 15th at the Lincoln Trail. We received praise for our work on the Lincoln Trail. Children from Lincoln Elementary joined MP Jennica Atwin & several dignitaries from Nature Conservancy Canada to talk about the work being done to preserve Wetlands. A walk down to the river gave a chance to examine the recent upgrades on the trail (mulch and new wood on all bridges) - there was even a newly made Beaver Dam.
Lincoln Trail upgrades Jane Neil 2024-11-17 04:00:00Z 0

2024 - 12 Trips in 12 Months 

2024 12 Trips in 12 Months
Prize Winners
December 2024
Trip or Cash worth $4,000.00
Mark Lawlor of Hartland, NB
$144.00 (4 winners)
Margie Rowan
Johnathan Drisdelle
Monique Murray
Terry Foss
November 2024
Trip or Cash worth $4,000.00
Bill Innes of Fredericton, NB
$144.00 (4 winners)
Natalie Withers
Remi Lebel
Randy Mahoney
Jean Baker
October 2024
Trip or Cash worth $4,000.00
Claude Bourgeois of Riverview, NB
$144.00 (4 winners)
Greg Violette
Serge Godin
Richard McGuigan
Louise Mason
September 2024
Trip or Cash worth $4,000.00
Andrew Craik of Mactaquac, NB
$144.00 (4 winners)
Mark LeBlanc
Sandra Coughlan
Tracy Henderson
Claude Bourgeois
August 2024
Trip or Cash worth $4,000.00
Pam Cogswell of Fredericton, NB
$144.00 (4 winners)
Angela Fash
Bradley McKay
Lorraine Fullarton
Elizabeth Manderville
July 2024
Trip or CASH worth $4,000.00 - Bob Fitzpatrick of Fredericton, NB
$144.00 (4 winners)
Wendy Halihan
Tania Bubar
Charlie Guitard
Sheree Allison
June 2024
Trip or CASH worth $4,000.00 - Christa Gillingham of Westcock, NB
$144.00 (4 winners)
Rochelle Anderson
James Tingley
Jo Sharpe
Bonny Hoyt-Hallett
May 2024
Trip or CASH worth $4,000.00 - Emma & Robert McLean of Quispamsis. NB
$144.00 (4 winners)
Julia McDevitt
Paul Lenihan
Carolyn McLean
Owen Taylor
2024 - 12 Trips in 12 Months 2024-11-05 04:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Fellows

Janet and Hart North received their Paul Harris pins in recognition of their ongoing contributions to the Rotary Foundation.
Paul Harris Fellows 2024-10-27 03:00:00Z 0

Rotary Leadership Institute

President-Elect Owen Taylor receives his Certificate of successful completion of level 3 of the Rotary Leadership Institute.
The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) is a series of leadership courses offered in three sessions. The courses are designed to provide Rotary knowledge and to develop leadership skills for Rotary’s members. The courses provide a wonderful learning opportunity to explore best management practices while providing a great opportunity for fellowship 
Rotary Leadership Institute Jane Neil 2024-10-21 03:00:00Z 0

Thank You Canadian Tire and Charlie Guitard

We are so fortunate to have the support of the south side Canadian Tire and Charlie Guitard.

His and his store’s generosity helps us greatly in providing health snacks to the students of Nasis Memorial each week. 20 classes and 6 extras this week.

Thanks sooo much Charlie!
Thank You Canadian Tire and Charlie Guitard Jane Neil 2024-10-21 03:00:00Z 0

New Member - Welcome Chinasa

We were pleased to welcome Dr Chinasa Trinitta Amadi as a member of our club at our meeting on October 10th - transferring from her Rotary Club in Nigeria.
New Member - Welcome Chinasa Jane Neil 2024-10-14 03:00:00Z 0

Carol Loughrey

Guest Speaker on October 31st (would not fit in speaker profile)


Carol Loughrey, is an accomplished leader and trailblazer in various sectors. 

With over 10 years of experience as a Deputy Minister for the Province of New Brunswick, including being the first woman Provincial Comptroller in Canada and Deputy Minister of Education, Carol has an extensive background in administration and governance. She was also president of her family business Ashfield’s Ltd as well as being a tenured university professor and assistant dean.  

She has  made significant contributions to the accounting profession, being the first woman to serve as the Chair and CEO of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. She was recognized by her profession by being named a “Fellow”.

Aside from her professional accomplishments, Carol is also an active volunteer and philanthropist, having founded and served on various organizations and boards most recently as founding President of the Kings Landing Foundation. She has also served on various advisory committees and boards, including the National Capital Commission, the New Brunswick Law Foundation, and the Canadian Women's Foundation among many others.

For her outstanding contributions and achievements, Carol has been recognized with numerous awards, including the Order of Canada, Paul Harris Fellow, the Queen's Gold,  Diamond and Platinum Jubilee Medals, and the Order of New Brunswick. 

She will speak on her 17 year commitment to early childhood education as a board member of the Margaret and Wallace McCain Foundation.


Carol Loughrey 2024-10-11 03:00:00Z 0

NB Provincial Archives - Presentation

At our meeting on Thursday September 26th we were delighted to hear from Bailey Desjardins and Marianne Haché,  Reference Services and Public Programming Archivists
Their unit participates in community outreach events, ranging from giving presentations at retirement residences to attending community festivals and fairs.  Their section also offers tours of the facility, hosts cultural and heritage group events, and works with various student groups. Their section is constantly helping clients access the information they need from the archives! This was the topic of their presentation - the records available at the archives and  how one can access them.
NB Provincial Archives - Presentation Jane Neil 2024-09-30 03:00:00Z 0

Golf Tournament 2024 

Many thanks to everyone who helped out at the Golf Tournament on Saturday September 28th making it such a success.
Golf Tournament 2024 Jane Neil 2024-09-30 03:00:00Z 0

Lincoln Wetlands Conservation Area –  August 2024

It started with loads of mulch hauled by Doug Prebble from Devon Lumber to the Lincoln Elementary school where it was piled (Monday August 12th). The trail was whipper-snipped before mulch laying began by Don McKay, Paul Morrison and Friend of Rotary, Brent Hawkins and then onto the laying and spreading of the mulch - loaded by Brent H onto Paul M’s trailer and spread on the trails by Moe Arseneault, Doug P & Don M.  It was a full day of work! Thanks to Devon Lumber who gave us a reduced rate per load of mulch.
Lincoln Wetlands Conservation Area –  August 2024  Jane Neil 2024-08-18 03:00:00Z 0

Elizabeth Jean Currie Steele - In Memoriam

The Rotary Club of Fredericton North is honoured and pleased to present on behalf of the family of Elizabeth Jean Currie Steele to Easter seals the 3 pieces of assistive equipment you see here - a wheelchair, a walker and a 3 legged cane .
Elizabeth Jean Currie Steele of Fredericton, NB, passed away on April 7th, 2024 , three months short of her 99th birthday. She was born in Millbank NB, and spent most of her life in Saint John, NB. She was the sister of Richard Currie for whom the Currie centre on UNB campus is named ,
She was able to live on her own until the age of 96 when mobility and vision issues found her moving to Windsor Court in the summer of 2021.
The family wishes to pass on to others the equipment that helped their mum maintain her independence. This way she will continue to give back as she did when she was living.
Elizabeth Jean Currie Steele - In Memoriam Norman Neil 2024-06-03 03:00:00Z 0

May 2 - 12 Neighbours Community

On May 2, our Club toured the 12 Neighbours Community as they completed their 100th small home. 12 Neighbours was founded by Marcel LeBrun as a social enterprise whose objective is to reduce poverty and homelessness. We were walked around the project and had a close up look at all the various social, educational and work programs in progress. 
May 2 - 12 Neighbours Community 2024-05-03 03:00:00Z 0

22-Apr-24 Earth Day

On Earth Day, April 22, Rotarians Brian Dingle, Chris Darrah, and Jane Neil were at Lincoln Elementary School to help deliver the Gaia Project Sustainability Kits. The Gaia Project team trains a teacher, provides 25 books for their class, and expects the teacher will train other teachers/classes in the school. Lincoln Elementary has 150 students and 9 classes. A District Grant helped fund this project. We are proud to sponsor this initiative.
22-Apr-24 Earth Day Norman Neil 2024-04-22 03:00:00Z 0

April 11, 2024 Meeting

District Governor Roger Sevigny visited our Club today. 
Roger presented the Club with the 2024-25 Rotary banner and also an award to the Club for being number 2 in District 7815 for Foundation support. Roger also presented a certificate in recognition of our contribution to ending Polio.
Roger spoke of the upcoming District conference in St. Pierre & Miquelon.
The President of Rotary International has focused on mental health needs as his yearly focus. He spoke of how we greet people with “How are you” and need to switch to “How are you really”. He spoke of the need to be considerate of mental health needs and he shared personal experiences that highlighted the need.
Roger noted that District 7815 has two Peace Scholars this year.
April 11, 2024 Meeting Norman Neil 2024-04-16 03:00:00Z 0

Business Meeting - 21-Mar-24

At our business meeting this week we recognized Norman Neil as a Paul Harris Fellow for his contribution to the Foundation. He was joined by other Paul Harris Fellows from our club.
At the 1917 Rotary International convention, outgoing Rotary president Arch Klumph proposed setting up an endowment “for the purpose of doing good in the world.” That one idea, and an initial contribution of $26.50, set in motion a powerful force that has transformed millions of lives around the globe.
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of US$1,000 to The Rotary Foundation. Rotary established the recognition to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to the Foundation.
Business Meeting - 21-Mar-24 Norman Neil 2024-03-25 03:00:00Z 0

King's Landing - 14-Mar-24

Travis Weber is King’s Landing’s new CEO. He spent many years in AB at National Historic sites, and recently relocated to NB from the Yukon Territories where he managed National Park sites such as Dredge #4.
Travis outlined the many programs and activities that occur at King’s Landing. 2024 marks King’s Landing’s 50th anniversary.
King's Landing - 14-Mar-24 Norman Neil 2024-03-15 03:00:00Z 0
Fredericton Community Foundation - 22-Feb-24 Norman Neil 2024-02-24 04:00:00Z 0

Gaia Project

At the meeting on Feb 8th Don MacKay introduced Travis Daley and the Gaia Project. Gaia engages students in climate education.
Brian Dingle received approval for our club to receive a second District Grant which will enable Hanwell Park Academy and Lincoln Elementary schools to participate. A cheque for $1,000 was presented by Don MacKay.
Travis spoke on the project and thanked the Club. The project, having grown from five schools to well over 30, is well received thanks to us being the first Rotary Club they partnered with. They have gone on to partner with many clubs around the province.
Gaia Project Norman Neil 2024-02-13 04:00:00Z 0
Sleigh Ride - Sandwidths Norman Neil 2024-02-02 04:00:00Z 0

Emergency Preparedness

Owen Taylor thanks Elizabeth Hendricks of Red Cross, Fredericton for her presentation.
Emergency Preparedness Norman Neil 2024-01-29 04:00:00Z 0

Ukrainian School Project

President Elect Norman Neil thanks Clair Ripley for his presentation on the
Oromocto Club's project to rebuild a school in Ukraine. 
Ukrainian School Project Norman Neil 2024-01-14 04:00:00Z 0
Clair Ripley - UKR Project 2024-01-08 04:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Our Newest Members!

At our first meeting of the New Year we were very happy to induct three new members into the Club
President Ian Ferguson welcomes new members Stephanie St. John Cleghorn, Chris Darrah and Peter Rogers.
Welcome to Our Newest Members! 2024-01-08 04:00:00Z 0


Oromocto Rotary Club has taken on a project with the Rotary e-Club of Ukraine to rebuild a school that was bombed in the Ukraine. As we support Oromocto Rotary Club in that endeavour, it will be helpful to learn more about Rotary efforts in the Ukraine.
On December 16, the e-club is holding a Ukrainian Christmas Project Fair. Our Rotary International Leadership Team will join the Ukraine Rotary District 2232 Coordination Committee as they introduce us to the Rotary team and the priorities they have established for supporting and rebuilding Ukraine. There will be a plenary session followed by three breakout sessions: Equipment & Supplies: Help for People; and Recovery, Rehabilitation. Find a Partner for Your Project is a separate session that follows.
This will be an early morning session for us starting at 5:45 am in the morning and ending at 9:00 am AT (will confirm times closer to the event). It would be helpful to have at least 2 of us in each breakout session.
If you are interested in attending, please follow their link to register; fill out their profile form and share your picture and information with the team. Please contact me to let me know so we can coordinate which breakout room each of us will be in. Let me know if you would be interested in getting together with some Rotarians and Toastmasters on Zoom to discuss other ways we may support Oromocto Rotary in their project in the Ukraine. Contact
The link for the Ukrainian Christmas Fair Project is:
12 Trips in 12 Month for 12 dollars a Month Terry MacDonald 2023-12-04 04:00:00Z 0
Peace Medallion Award Ceremony 2023-11-30 04:00:00Z 0
The Happy Community Project 2023-11-15 04:00:00Z 0

Promise of Home

Moe Arseneault thanks Dr. Sophie Lavoie from St. Thomas University for her presentation "Promise of Home". Promise of Home is a community-based research project that focuses on a holistic, ground-up approach to welcoming, supporting, and retaining immigrants in a place where they can feel comfortable and at home. Information about the project and how one can be involved may be found here Promise of Home (
Promise of Home Norman Neil 2023-10-13 03:00:00Z 0
12 Trips in 12 Month for 12 dollars a month Terry MacDonald 2023-09-27 03:00:00Z 0
2023 Golf For Kids Norman Neil 2023-08-19 03:00:00Z 0

2023 - 24 Awards

Rotarian of the Year

President Ian Ferguson presents Harriett McNeill with the Rotarian of the Year Award (2023-2024)

Paul Harris Fellowship
President Ian Ferguson presents Dianne Wilkins with a Paul Harris Fellowship at the AGM and Year-end BBQ (2023-2024)
2023 - 24 Awards Norman Neil 2023-08-10 03:00:00Z 0

Update on Gaia Project

Treasurer Brian Dingle thanks Travis Daley for updating Rotarians on the Gaia Project.
Update on Gaia Project Norman Neil 2023-08-10 03:00:00Z 0

RNEW - Anastasia Persico

Anastasia Persico, a Rotarian from Woodbury, Connecticut presented a reimagining of all the things a Rotary club might be: the Rotary Club of Network for Empowering Women (RNEW).
RNEW - Anastasia Persico Norman Neil 2023-06-02 03:00:00Z 0
Congratulatory Message MLA David Coon 2023-05-17 03:00:00Z 0
Cst. Mike Bamford - Fraud/Scam Presentation Norman Neil 2023-05-12 03:00:00Z 0


Fredericton North Rotary and Changemakers Toastmasters are pleased to announce Kindred Spirits, a Maritime Tour of Rotarian Anastasia Persico of RNEW, Rotary of Network for Empowering Women from May 23 - June 3.
RNEW is a unique cause Rotary Club of District 5950 dedicated to education, awareness and action around domestic violence, human trafficking for sex trade and servitude, issues regarding women in the military, and microfinancing for women entrepreneurship.
Watch for more details regarding the tour. Please come out and meet Anastasia and hear of her clubs adventures as they imagined and live out a different kind of Rotary experience.
Rotary International and Toastmasters International formed an Alliance in 2019.
KINDRED SPIRITS Terry MacDonald 2023-05-01 03:00:00Z 0


Come celebrate with us! A Century of Service Rotary Gala May 11, 2023 at the Fredericton Inn.
The Fredericton Area Rotary Clubs (The Rotary Club of Fredericton Sunrise, Fredericton North Rotary, Hanwell Rotary, and Oromocto Rotary) are proud to honour Steven Burns, Imelda Perley, Dhirendra Shukla, Brenda Sansom, Kim MacDonald, Marcel LeBrun, George Gillett, Sandi MacKinnon, Paul Porter, and Carl Duivenvoorden's service above self by naming them Paul Harris Fellows, a special recognition Rotary International has for individuals who have made significant contributions to their community.
For tickets to this once in a lifetime Rotary event $125 click here:
100 YEARS OF ROTARY IN FREDERICTON Terry MacDonald 2023-05-01 03:00:00Z 0

Expanding Role of Pharmacists

Cathy James thanks Jake Reid, Executive Director of the NB Pharmacists Association for his presentation at today's meeting. 
Jake's presentation was entitled "The Expanding Role of Pharmacists"
Expanding Role of Pharmacists Norman Neil 2023-04-13 03:00:00Z 0
2023 Gala Tickets Norman Neil 2023-03-15 03:00:00Z 0

Kelly Lamrock, Child and Youth Advocate NB

Elva Hawkins thanks Kelly Lamrock for outlining his child advocacy activities n NB.
Kelly Lamrock, Child and Youth Advocate NB Norman Neil 2023-03-11 04:00:00Z 0
2023 100th Anniversary Gala Celebration Norman Neil 2023-02-27 04:00:00Z 0


The Series
As part of the D7815 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility awareness and to help engage Rotarians, you are invited to participate in our upcoming online DEIA Spotlight Series. The session started in February and will go until June. There will be 5 monthly participatory sessions led by DEIA experts and fellow Rotarians to assist you and your club in moving forward toward achieving your DEIA goal.
Our first Spotlight Series session, Unpacking and Exploring our Lenses with presenter/facilitator Joanne Owuor from Cohesia, was well received. If you missed the session, don’t despair. It will be available on District 7815 YouTube page shortly. All the sessions will be recorded and available to individuals and clubs through our YouTube channel. Clubs are encouraged to show the video as a club program. Be prepared to divide into small groups of 3-4 people to discuss the questions. 
The Second Session
We are pleased to welcome Rotary International Director 2020-2022 and Rotary International Vice President 2022, Valarie Wafer, as the presenter/facilitator for our second session to be held Monday, March 6, 2023 from 7pm-8pm.  Looking through a DEIA Lens: Shifting Our Perspective as Rotarians will be an interactive session with small group discussions throughout.
Register Now
Please register for D7815 DEIA Spotlight Series by clicking this link:
After registering you will receive a confirmation letter containing the link to join the event. Please add to your calendar. If you do not receive the email, check your spam/junk folder as it might have been redirected there.
If you have any questions regarding registering for the event, please contact Cheryl McDaniel at
For inquiries around the Spotlight Series, please direct them to our Spotlight Series Chair, Kathi Zwicker at
We encourage everyone to attend.  If you wish, please take the opportunity to reach out to your fellow Rotarians and invite them to register to join the conversation.
D7815 DEIA SPOTLIGHT SERIES (Part 2) Terry MacDonald 2023-02-25 04:00:00Z 0

Feb. 23 Presentation on Rotary Leadership Institute

Noel Eustache Jr. gives us a presentation on the Rotary Leadership Institute at today's meeting.
Feb. 23 Presentation on Rotary Leadership Institute Norman Neil 2023-02-23 04:00:00Z 0

Feb. 9: Doug Prebble - Paul Harris Award

Terry MacDonald presents Doug Prebble with a Paul Harris award.
Feb. 9: Doug Prebble - Paul Harris Award Norman Neil 2023-02-13 04:00:00Z 0



As part of the D7815 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility awareness and to help engage Rotarians, you are invited to participate in our upcoming online DEIA Spotlight Series.

We are pleased to welcome Joanne Owuor from Cohesia as the presenter/facilitator for our first session.  Unpacking and Exploring our Lenses will be held Monday, February 6, 2023 from 7 pm – 8 pm AST.


Joanne Owuor, Director, Organisational Development at, Cohesia Institute has over 13 years’ experience working in the not-for-profit sector in leadership, research, and management roles and has developed expertise in grassroots coalition building, designing, and implementing anti-racism and culturally responsive strategies, community outreach, and leading multi-stakeholder engagement and strategic planning for migrant communities.

Joanne holds the values of racial equity, anti-oppression, and justice central to her work and engages individuals and organisations in this work through education, advocacy and coalition building.



Please register for D7815 DEIA Spotlight Series by clicking this link:


Please contact Cheryl McDaniel at with any questions regarding this event.

For inquiries around the Spotlight Series, please direct them to our Spotlight Series Chair, Kathi Zwicker at

D7815 DEIA SPOTLIGHT SERIES 2023-01-23 04:00:00Z 0
November is a Perfect Time to become a Rotarian 2022-11-03 03:00:00Z 0
Foundation Month 2022-11-03 03:00:00Z 0

Welcome to the official site of Fredericton North Rotary Club #6339, District 7815

The Fredericton North Rotary Club is one of three Rotary clubs in Fredericton, the provincial capital of New Brunswick, Canada. It was chartered in October 1977 and currently has a membership of some 30 professional men and women from a variety of occupations.

An active and important participant in the strong community life of the city, the club is involved in many public service activities both local and international. For example, the club supports youth literacy, combats hunger, helps disadvantaged youth and the elderly, and eradicates polio.

Although we are serious in our endeavours, we are also determined to have fun at the same time. If you are interested in learning more about us and joining the more than 1.2 million Rotarians around the world who are committed to the Rotary motto "Service Above Self", then check out this website and contact our secretary, Terry MacDonald at or phone 506-453-7815.

The club meets Thursdays at 12 noon at the Fredericton Inn, 1315 Regent St., Fredericton. Tel: 506-455-1430.
Welcome to the official site of Fredericton North Rotary Club #6339, District 7815 Terry MacDonald 2022-08-28 03:00:00Z 0
Guest Speaker - March 10th 2022-03-09 04:00:00Z 0

First District Conference of District 7815

DisCon 2022 Save the Date (2).png
          Co-Chairs Peter Assaff and Ashley Butt have been hard at work planning an awesome weekend of fun and inspiration, and they can't wait to see you there! 
Details: 13-14 May 2022
Where: Online, but Together! 
Yes, that's right! This year we are trying something different with our virtual conference: watch parties! 
The conference will be hosted virtually, but we want you to plan watch parties for areas (if multiple clubs) or within your own club. These can take place in a conference room or restaurant where you normally hold your meetings, or if a smaller group, in someone's home! 
Even if you are travelling or working away during the conference, you can attend that way as well!
District Conferences are one of the most important way for our membership to learn and get inspired, and we want the opportunity for the most Rotarians to be able to attend. 
Recommended tech for the best possible viewing and interacting experience: 

In a Big Room:  In a Smaller Room:


Projector + Screen TV with streaming capabilities

Speakers Internet

Microphone Webcam

Webcam Microphone


For your watch parties, you will need a tech setup, and are welcome to have a sponsor for food and tech, if in a big group, or can have a potluck at someone's home if that works best for you! 
We have a DYNAMITE program coming for you!
Friday night is Social Sociable! Moncton native and former Rotarian Marshall Button will be hosting the evening in character as "Lucien," with trivia about the Atlantic Region, and lots of ways for your watch party to get involved! 
Saturday is the meat of the weekend, a keynote speech from Jameelah (Jam) Gamble on owning your voice and using it to stand up for what you believe in as Rotarians. Then, we bring it back to our new district and learn what WE are passionate about! Let's celebrate our shared successes, and get some awesome new ideas.
This last part is where you come in! We want to know what innovative projects our district is doing around the 7 areas of focus. If you want to submit a project from your club, please fill in the form below and tell us everything! The committee will choose one project for each area from around the district to give a short presentation at the conference, so that we can be inspired right here at home! 
Entries are due on 31 March 2022. 
More program details will be coming in the next few weeks, along with watch party registration. Please discuss with your club or clubs in your area how you are going to organize it (we recommend a watch party chair), because time is coming up faster than it seems. 
We will also note that the conference is still accepting sponsors, so if you have a company or work for a company who you think would be interested in being a part of this historic conference and having their support seen all over the Atlantic Region, please have them reach out to Ashley and Peter at: (yes, she is fully aware this email will be irrelevant soon....)

We hope to see a record number of Rotarians at this first conference, so we hope you are as excited as we are! Stay tuned for more details, and send in your project entries! 

First District Conference of District 7815 2022-03-04 04:00:00Z 0

KINDNESS WEEK February 14-18,2022

Fredericton North Rotary is proud to be a Kindness Partner of the Fredericton Community Foundation in their efforts to make Fredericton the Kindness Capital of Canada. 
Let's all engage in acts of kindness daily. From February 14 to 18, we invite you to capture those acts of kindness you engage in or see others engage in on your camera, post on social media with the  #FrederictonKind, and be part of Fredericton Community Foundations campaign.
For more information, please go to:
You may take part in Kindness Week, February 14-18, by following these three steps:
Perform a random act of kindness, no matter how big or how small.
Use #FrederictonKind and tag @FrederictonCommunityFoundation in your posts sharing your act of kindness.
Keep spreading kindness around your community and encouraging others to take part
KINDNESS WEEK February 14-18,2022 2022-02-07 04:00:00Z 0

Limited time only: Save on the 2022 Rotary International Convention

Limited time only: Save on the 2022 Rotary International Convention

In response to questions and concerns raised by members worldwide, we are pleased to announce that the Rotary International Board of Directors has confirmed that the 2022 Rotary International Convention will be an in-person event 4-8 June in Houston, Texas, USA. We are excited to offer a special registration rate of US$495 through 28 February. 
In addition, the Board has determined that all participants, including Rotary International preconvention participants, must either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 (as defined by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) OR provide a negative result from a COVID-19 test taken no more than 72 hours before their arrival at the convention. Check for updates as we continue to determine what safety protocols are necessary, based on the current CDC recommendations for safe gatherings.   
Don’t delay, because this special registration offer expires 28 February. You’ll have the opportunity to cancel for a full refund, minus a $50 per person administration fee, until 30 April.

 fb   fb   fb   fb

© Rotary International
One Rotary Center, 1560 Sherman Ave., Evanston, IL 60201-3698, USA

Limited time only: Save on the 2022 Rotary International Convention 2022-02-01 04:00:00Z 0
Blood Donor Clinic - Feb 1st & 2nd 2022-01-24 04:00:00Z 0
IN-PERSON MEETINGS 2021-10-27 03:00:00Z 0

Golf Fore Health & Minds

Come Play with us!
Golf Fore Health & Minds 2021-09-11 03:00:00Z 0

Thank You to the Fredericton North Rotary

I would like to thank you and all the members of the Fredericton North Rotary.  You folks are so giving of your time, energy and talents and you have shown NMS such amazing love and support.  I tell the kids all the time that at NMS, “You are loved, and NMS Cares!” and you folks are living proof of that statement!  We here at NMS can’t possibly thank you enough, however, we have created a video that we would like to pass on to you.  We are hoping that you would be able to share it with your members.
Jason Burns
Acting Principal
Nashwaaksis Memorial School
Thank You to the Fredericton North Rotary 2021-06-24 03:00:00Z 0

Evening of Recognition

The Rotary club of Fredericton North is hosting a VIRTUAL by Zoom, Recognition dinner on Thursday June 10th  630pm-830pm for:
DR. JENNIFER RUSSELL, N B Chief Medical Health Officer at which she will be presented a Paul Harris Fellow for service above self and
ALLAN MENZIES A recognition Plaque for the generous donation of A R Menzies & Sons Ltd. to Camp Rotary.
There are meal options (for delivery by a volunteer Rotarian) if you live within Fredericton city limits, For those who do not require a meal, or you are outside Fredericton, zoom access only is another option.
If you have any issues, please call (506) 458-9999 for assistance.
Fredericton North Rotary Club
Evening of Recognition 2021-05-04 03:00:00Z 0
Mayoralty Candidate Debate on April 29th 2021 2021-04-20 03:00:00Z 0

District 7815 Polio Plus Society

To recognize the contributions to the “End Polio Campaign” by Rotarian Pam Harrison, who recently passed away, the Foundation Committees of Districts 7810 and 7820, under the guidance of Zone Polio Coordinator PDG Stella Roy, established the D7815 Polio Plus Society in memory of Pam Harrison. Those who commit to contributing $100 US per year until Polio is eradicated will become charter members of the newly formed “District 7815 Polio Plus Society”. You may contribute by going to the 7820 Website.    Click on the Polio Plus Society button on the right side of the web page.       
District 7815 Polio Plus Society 2021-02-21 04:00:00Z 0

A Toast to Paul Harris

We wish to make a Toast to Paul Harris and his colleagues and the organization they founded, Rotary International.
Rotary International brings together more than 35000 Rotary Clubs that create a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
We can point to examples such as Polio Plus where Rotary members have contributed more than $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect nearly 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Rotary’s advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by governments to contribute more than $10 billion to the effort.
To conclude this toast, I offer a quote from Paul Harris shortly after RI’s founding: Whatever Rotary may mean to us, to the world it will be known by the results it achieves. Words that have proven to be so prophetic today!
Please join me in a toast to Rotary International:
A Toast to Paul Harris 2020-12-21 04:00:00Z 0

Fill-a-Truck Rotary Food Drive

The Rotary Clubs of Fredericton & the surrounding areas are having a FOOD DRIVE to benefit The GREENER VILLAGE & THE SALVATION ARMY & NASHWAAKSIS MEMORIAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Healthy Snacks Program
WHEN :         Saturday  November 21st 2020
TIMES :          10:00am to 4:00pm
WHAT:           Non-Perishables / Gift Cards / Cheques from individuals or Businesses / Cash
WHERE:         Fredericton North Rotary Club will be in two (2) locations -   at the Fredericton Capital Exhibition Center Entrance off Smythe Street near the Atlantic Superstore and at the St John the Evangelist Anglican Church Parking lot on Main Street across from the Nashwaaksis Memorial Elementary School
                        The Fredericton Sunrise Rotary Club at the Fredericton Capital Exhibition Center Entrance just past Tim Hortons of heading down the hill (North direction) off Smythe Street
                        The Hanwell Rotary Club at the St James Presbyterian Church parking lot located at 1991 NB 640 Hanwell
Anything you can do would be greatly appreciated!
Fill-a-Truck Rotary Food Drive 2020-11-21 04:00:00Z 0

New Homes for our Feathered Friends

Nashwaak Watershed thanks all the volunteers for building 45 Bird Boxes and 5 Duck Boxes.  There are some songbird boxes available for pick-up by any club members who weren't able to attend and would like to have one for their property.
New Homes for our Feathered Friends 2020-10-17 03:00:00Z 0

Rotary Toastmasters Alliance

Riverside Toastmasters are hosting a special evening on Zoom this coming Wednesday, September 30 at 7:00 pm to introduce and celebrate the Rotary-Toastmaster Alliance. Past, present and future Rotarians, Rotaract members, Toastmaster and friends are invited. 
We are so excited about the prospects this evening holds for both Rotary and Toastmasters in the Greater Fredericton area. We hope that you will be able to attend. Please RSVP to the
Please find attached a post that can be shared on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and on other social media sites. We ask that you share it widely on both your club and personal platforms.. 
Your in the Alliance, 
Rotary Toastmasters Alliance 2020-09-29 03:00:00Z 0

End Polio Now Tulip Campaign

Our Rotary District 7810 is again offering boxes of 25 tulip bulbs for sale to raise funds to support Rotary International in its goal to End Polio Now. Boxes of tulip bulbs are available to purchase for $25 each. Of this, $14 goes to fund the End Polio Now campaign.
Members may place orders immediately by emailing Terry MacDonald at: We are setting the deadline for orders from our club for Friday, July 17. The district will accept orders up to July 31, but they are limited in that they only have 1500 boxes for the entire district, so we want to get our order in early to ensure delivery.
Rotarians may order boxes to sell if they wish. The district has promotional material to help you with this. Or you may wish to purchase boxes for your personal use or donation. The district goal is to sell 1,500 boxes of End Polio Now Tulip bulbs, resulting in a profit of $21,000 ($14 per box).
All orders must be paid in full by July 31. Payment is to be made to our club. The club will place one order with the district on July 17 and pay for this order by July 31. The tulip bulbs will be delivered to the club in late September.
Should you have any questions please email me at:, or call me at: 506-471-1575. We will be reminding all members of this at our weekly meetings from now to July 16.
Thank you very much for supporting Rotary International in its efforts to End Polio Now.
End Polio Now Tulip Campaign 2020-06-30 03:00:00Z 0

Canadian Rotarian's in Zones 28 and 32

Rotary Zones 28/32
Hello Canadian Rotarians in Zones 28 and 32,

I'm excited to share with you today an exceptional opportunity for your Rotaractors and young Rotarians. Please help us share and promote this program so all eligible Rotaractors and Rotarians can become aware, sign up and take advantage of the bursaries and volunteer opportunities.

The Rotary family has continued to innovate and create new solutions for our communities' most pressing challenges as we navigate difficult and unusual times. The global COVID-19 pandemic has created economic and social hurdles for all sectors of society. Post-secondary students and recent graduates are particularly vulnerable. The pandemic affects their studies, ability to graduate, finances and career opportunities. It affects youth in Rotary and their ability to donate their time and support our organization in carrying out our initiatives in the community.

In response, our zone, along with Rotaract Canada Multidistrict Information Organization, are partnering with the Canadian Federal Government in a program called Canada Student Service Grant (CSSG). Rotaract Canada is part of a select group of Canadian non-profits to participate in the initiative. Rotaractors and Rotarians currently in post-secondary, recently graduated or returning to school in the fall will be eligible for a grant of up to $5,000 towards education by volunteering in new and existing Rotary and Rotaract initiatives happening throughout the summer.

Participating Rotaractors and Rotarians can take advantage of the many volunteer opportunities with Rotaract Canada, including the 28 committee positions available, or existing local projects and activities in their own clubs. There is also an exciting opportunity for Rotarians and Rotaractors to connect, build stronger relationships by interviewing and writing stories on behalf of seniors, celebrate their lives and achievements and share their wisdom and knowledge through the creation of an intergenerational capsule of community stories.

This one-of-a-kind partnership between government, Rotary, and Rotaract is being led by a team of innovators including Rotaract Canada leadership and Dean Rohrs, past Rotary International vice president. Having just recently chartered as the newest MDIO in our region, Rotaract Canada is already showing the value of national-level Rotaract organization and setting new precedents for innovative partnerships for the benefit of Rotaractors and the communities they serve.

You can learn more at You can also download additional information and resources at these links:

We count on you to share this opportunity with your district and help those students access those grants so support their education.
Valarie Wafer, Rotary International Director 2020-2022
Canadian Rotarian's in Zones 28 and 32 2020-06-25 03:00:00Z 0

The 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention

Membership Minute
June 2020
Ideas for strengthening membership
The 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention 
Rotary’s first online convention will be a great way to connect with members around the world. Now More Than Ever, Rotary Connects the World: The 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention is happening 20-26 June. You’ll find breakout sessions on new ways to engage members and be inspired by internationally known speakers during the general sessions. 

Several breakout sessions focus on engaging and attracting members. Plan to attend one or all of these: 

•    Using Virtual Tools to Engage Members, on 22 June
•    Grow Rotary Through New Club Types, on 23 June
•    Digital Trends of 2021: Using Tech to Engage Millennials, on 25 June
•    Engage Young Families With Service and Alternative Meetings, on 26 June

See the full list of breakout sessions and look again often for updates. We hope to see you online! 
How to stay connected when you can’t meet in person  
Whether it’s a club meeting, awards ceremony, or new member induction, you can still connect with and recognize your members even when meeting in person isn’t possible. 

Watch our recent webinar, Connect With the (Online) Rotary World, and learn how to set up online meetings, use social media to engage with members, and maintain fun traditions virtually. We asked for questions before the session and compiled a list of the ones asked most often, along with resources. You can download the FAQ from the Learning Center. (Signing in to My Rotary is required.) Or search for the webinar title. 

If you’re planning a virtual induction ceremony, have the new member induction video from RI President Mark Daniel Maloney ready to show. Look at the Meeting Online topic in the Learning Center for more ideas on how to connect virtually. 
A reminder about adding new members 
As club leaders prepare to complete their terms, remember that members added on or before 30 June will count as starting during the current Rotary year, 2019-20. Members added with 1 July effective dates will count toward the new Rotary year, 2020-21. Write to us at if you have questions. 
Share your story on Rotary Showcase
Rotary clubs around the world are responding to the coronavirus pandemic to help keep their communities safe and healthy. We know this because more than 1,000 service projects related to COVID-19 have been added to Rotary Showcase. Be inspired, connect with others, and add your own project.
Strengthening Rotary clubs during difficult times 
Jenny Stotts, membership chair of District 6690, suggests using resilience to strengthen Rotary clubs while we are coping with the COVID-19 pandemic. From helping members maintain realistic and positive perspectives to planning service projects that help people feel a sense of purpose, read how Stotts fosters resilience among members to create stronger clubs.
How to host a virtual changeover ceremony
Changeover ceremonies are important events for clubs. It’s a chance to acknowledge the great work your club accomplished during the past Rotary year, welcome new leaders, and generate excitement for the coming year. Learn how you can host this important event online. Don’t miss out on having one! 
More from our blog:
The 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention 2020-06-12 03:00:00Z 0

Community rallies support families of Nashwaaksis Memorial
The global pandemic might have closed New Brunswick schools, but the community around Fredericton's Nashwaaksis Elementary has stepped up to make sure the students who counted on meals provided at the school don't go hungry.
Before schools were closed March 13th, students in need were able to grab a bowl of cereal, some fresh fruit or a slice of toastwhen they got to class. And, once a week, the Fredericton North Rotary Club offered a hot breakfast. The Fredericton Community Kitchen provided lunch to those who needed it.
When the school closed, principal Alex Yaychuk took a poll of families to see if they were still looking for help.
"They said they'd like some help. So since the first week schools have been closed, we've been delivering food to those families,' he said.
Every Friday, Yaychuk and his vice-principal and MLA Stephen Horseman collect bags of groceries from the Fredericton Community Kitchen and they make the deliveries to 19 homes in the community.
Once other community partners heard about the efforts, they began making donations as well, he said.
"It's really snowballed into a beautiful community outreach effort for families."
Hundreds of dollars have been donated, he said. The Fredericton North Rotary Club has also been pitching in, running a weekly food drive from a member's garage. Instant Imprints, a business on Brookside Drive, donated $500 for grocery gift cards, and similar donation came in from the Atlantic Superstore on the city's north side, he said.
 Some employees from the City of Fredericton 911 dispatch centre collected money and then filled gift bags with pens, pencils, crayons, books, and craft supplies. And members of the Douglas Baptist Church have donated food and school supplies, said Yakchuk.
"Every week, these families, who most days struggle to put food on the table for their children, are now being supplied with all kinds of healthy foods, snacks, fruits, and bread. There's canned goods, and boxed goods. We've had egg donations, cheese donations. Just about everything you'd put on your grocery list," he said. 
"It's been one of the few bright spots over the course of the last few months." 
Alex Yaychuk
Acting Principal
Nashwaaksis Memorial Elementary
“Be the Best You Can Be”
Twitter: @MemorialNasis
Community rallies 2020-05-27 03:00:00Z 0

Where are Food Gathered Goes

Thanks to members for all the food and gift card donations for this, the first week of our assisting families at Nashwaaksis Memorial.
Bonny will do the same next week. Boxes are put out Monday and Tuesday 8 to 8 at her address of 68 Waterford Lane (behind the Dairy Queen on Union St). Bonny has also forwarded what we were doing to friends and had some extra help from neighbours.  Feel Free to do the same .
Pick up Wednesdays by the school
I will check with Alex if after this week there are any changes in what we provide  
Please click on this link to see some of the food we have collected.  Please clink on the picture to hear the words from Alex Yaychuk - Acting Principal
Where are Food Gathered Goes 2020-04-10 03:00:00Z 0

Fredericton North Rotary Club Meetings

The COVID-19 coronavirus is affecting every aspect of our lives in real time, and this puts Rotarians in an unfamiliar place. As People of Action, we are most comfortable when we are fully engaged – moving freely, meeting openly, and offering helping hands, but this is no longer the norm.  
Everyone, stay IN and stay SAFE!
Fredericton North Rotary Club Meetings 2020-03-24 03:00:00Z 0

February 6th Meeting

February 6th Meeting
David Balmain Introduced Speaker;  Alan Sears UNB Prof & L’Arche F'ton Rep; Peter McLean L’Arche F'ton; Madeline Stick L’Arche F'ton; Don McKay FNRC President
February 6th Meeting 2020-02-06 04:00:00Z 0

Fredericton North's presence at Frostival 

Frostival Event with the Fredericton North Rotary 
Come join us for two more Saturday Nights (Jan 25th and Feb 1st) in Officers Square.
We are located near the skating rink from 6:00 to 7:30 pm., where you can enjoy some local musical talent performed fireside. We will be there with some hot chocolate generously donated by TIM HORTONS and some homemade cookies to help keep you warm.
Pictures below are from last freezing cold Saturday night, where you can see some of our members that were dishing out the hot chocolate and cookies to those brave enough to come out. 
Fredericton North's presence at Frostival 2020-01-18 04:00:00Z 0

Wings & Suds Festival 2019

About the Festival
October 17th | 6pm-9:00pm |
After a successful 2017 & 2018 events selling out, the Fredericton North Rotary Club in co-operation with local vendors, is hosting our 3rd Annual Chicken Wings and Craft Beer night on Thursday October 17th @ the Boyce Farmers Market in Fredericton. Come and enjoy the finest wings and craft brewers, wineries and food from Fredericton’s finest establishments while listening to local musicians.
Proceeds from the event go to support local ROTARY projects in the area.
    Tickets are $30.00 (in advance) and $40.00 (at the door)
This year’s event features local restaurants serving wings along with local craft beer, cider and wine producers serving samples of their product. A maximum of 400 tickets will be sold this year.
Tickets are available from Club members or order on line at
Wings & Suds Festival 2019 2019-07-24 03:00:00Z 0

Here we Grow Again

Posted on Feb 14, 2019
Here we grow again! Our club is the largest in the area and continues to grow. Yesterday we inducted two new members: Marieka Chaplin and Dawn Marie Gordon. Both bring vibrant new ideas and enthusiasm to our already active and fun club. President Moe and sponsors Bill and Elva participated. Pictured L-R: Bill Johnson, Marieka Chaplin, president Moe Arseneault, Dawn Marie Gordon, Elva Hawkins
Here we Grow Again 2019-02-14 04:00:00Z 0

Wings & Suds Festival 2018

Posted on Sep 04, 2018
About the Festival
October 11th | 6pm-9:30pm |
After a successful 2017 event with over 300 tickets sold, the Fredericton North Rotary Club in co-operation with local vendors, is hosting our 2nd Annual Chicken Wings and Craft Beer night on Thursday October 11th @ the Boyce Farmers Market in Fredericton. Come and enjoy the finest wings and craft brewers, wineries and food from Fredericton’s finest establishments while listening to local musicians.
Proceeds from the event go to support local ROTARY projects in the area.
This year’s event features local restaurants serving wings (and possibly some new poultry dishes) along with local craft beer, cider and wine producers serving samples of their product. A maximum of 400 tickets will be sold this year.
Tickets available from Club members or ordered on line at
Wings & Suds Festival 2018 2018-09-04 03:00:00Z 0

2nd Annual Pig Roast

Posted on Aug 23, 2018
 Last week the Fredericton North Rotary Club held their 2nd Annual Pig Roast summer social. Wonderful fellowship, delicious food, beautiful weather and the mighty Saint John River as our backdrop!
2nd Annual Pig Roast 2018-08-23 03:00:00Z 0
First Annual Wings & Suds Fest 2017-10-12 03:00:00Z 0

STU Fair

Posted on Sep 21, 2017
Dave Balmain mans the booth at the STU Fair


STU Fair 2017-09-21 03:00:00Z 0
Thought for the Week - Who Said It? Terry MacDonald 2016-09-18 00:00:00Z 0

Fund Raiser - Test Drive a Lincoln

Test Drive a Lincoln is back again.
Fredericton North Rotary and Riverview Ford Lincoln have once again teamed up to raise funds for our Club's many Community Projects.
This event will be held on Saturday September 17th at Riverview Ford Lincoln and run from 9:00am until 2:00pm.  There will be FIVE vehicles available for each time slot.  Test drives will be about 10 minutes, followed by a short questionnaire.
People will donate about 30 minutes of their time, and Riverview Ford Lincoln will be donating $50.00 to Rotary.
One registered test drive per household address.
Fredericton North Rotarians will be asking people to sign up for this event.  If no one has asked you and you would like to participate, drop an email to
Fund Raiser - Test Drive a Lincoln 2016-09-09 00:00:00Z 0

Welcome to our new website!

Posted by Terry MacDonald

Welcome to our Rotary Club! 

Picture taken at Annual meeting June 25th, 2014


Welcome to our new website! Terry MacDonald 2014-09-18 00:00:00Z 0
Integrated eBulletin for Easier Communication Terry MacDonald 0