Golf Fore Healthy Minds 
for school nutrition programs

The 2023 Golf Fore Healthy Minds is back again this year on Saturday, September 30th. The four-person scramble is again being played at the West Hills Golf Club, one of the top golf courses in the province. We are again fortunate to have The Mais-Reynolds Group of CIBC Wood Gundy as our major sponsor. 

Presented by the Rotary Club of Fredericton North and the West Hills Golf, the mixed open scramble is in support of Rotary’s partnership with Nashwaaksis Memorial Elementary School and school nutrition. What began as a hot breakfast program became a top up of back-packs during Covid and is now a weekly breakfast/snack and hot lunch program. The in-class snack buckets include individually packaged dry snacks and assorted fresh fruits. 
This past year, thanks to the funds raised by the tournament, we also began supporting two hot lunches a week for those students who were not otherwise able to enjoy the offering of a paid hot lunch at the school.

All entry fees include golf and a cart as well an opportunity to participate in several on-course competitions. The tournament is open to men’s, women’s or mixed teams – it’s all about having fun!
Register your team here.


Thank you
to our sponsors
West Hills Golf Club
Canadian Tire Fredericton, Southside
Stewart McKelvey
Instant Imprints, Fredericton